Monday, September 15, 2008

Picture Time

I kept my promise, even if I am posting these a bit later than I said I would.

Andie; September 15, 2008

Andie again;
September 15, 2008

Andie again... do you like her tail?
September 15, 2008

BJ's cute face; September 15, 2008

BJ; September 15, 2008

I gave Andie another bath today because her skin was looking really dry and flaky. I want to keep her coat and skin in good as condition as possible before her winter coat starts growing in.

To any knowledgeable readers, I have some questions! Do you bathe your horses in the winter? Is it a bad idea to bathe with cold water from a hose? If a horse is bathed in the winter, should they wear a blanket/cooler afterward? What kind of cooler is the most efficient for a reasonable price?


Kim said...

ugh... was writing a message, but the computer blacked out, and erased the message I was writing... grr...

Anyways as I was saying BJ is way too cute! even if I cant see his face!

And as for Andie, her coat looks very shiny and beautiful! so it's hard to tell her skin is flaky.. I have a goat that had flaky/dandruff skin, and it would brush right out. But what the problem was she was kelp deficient and that has cured her dandruff problem. Even the polar bears in the antarctic eat the kelp seaweed meal, and they eat lots of it too, and I believe it's a must have for healthy horses and animals. We get kelp for our animals at DeYoungs Farm and Garden in Woodibnville WA.

BTW, I have only given my horse 2-3 bathes since I have owned him for the last 12 months that I owned him... my trainer I had, said to bathe horses in 70 degree weather.. I am sure 60 degrees would be alright, but I just wouldn't want to bathe them in cold winter.. or the winter... it would really drop their temperature and would need dried asap. The other thing is, I think my horse rolls daily lol.. especially after getting washed lol... Oh and you wont believe what he did today... I bridled him, and was riding him bareback up to his pasture with his hay feeder that I just put hay in, and I decided to ride around the pasture fencing, and half way around, he decided he wanted to go straight for his feeder, and starting to canter, and was purposefully hopping to try and get me off.. and I told him to woah and was thankful I was good enough to stay on! I cant believe I did! I thought for sure I was going to fall off! but I didn't slip even a little! it was amazing to me, how balanced I was on him, even though he was being so naughty.. he was acting like a mini buckeroo bronc lol.. I only wish it was on tape so I could have seen exactly what he did from a different angle and point of view.. and then when he stopped, and then he just walked the rest of the way so calmly, like nothing happened! I definitely think he wanted me off, but I showed him, it's not going to be that easy! lol. I bet though, there are probably a lot of other people he could of made fall off, but probably people who haven't ridden a lot. Probably like, a novice person or something. Anyways, I think I am really rambling now lol.

Kim said...

BTW, I give them kelp in their grain and free choice, so they eat it, and if they want more, they can have more.

Kim said...

What's new?